Here we can see, “How to Teach a Puppy to Sit and Remain”

How to Teach Your Puppy to Sit and Stay

  • Plan to exercise in an area with as few distractions as possible, such as your living room. Once he knows the new instruction, you can introduce distractions. For example, make sure he hasn’t had a meal recently, so he’s hungry for treats but not hungry.
  • Cut high-value sweets into little bits the size of your fingertip. These should be foods that he enjoys and only has while training. However, have a backup incentive on hand, something he enjoys but only when the training treats aren’t available, such as a squeaky toy. Show the treats to your dog and praise him, but don’t give them to him. You want him to understand that awesome things could be his if he pays attention.
  • In a firm tone of voice, tell the puppy to “sit.”
  • Say “stay” and feed the first tidbit once his tail contacts the floor.
  • As long as he holds the “sit,” keep offering more treats—treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat-treat- For him to be successful, a ten-second stay is an acceptable initial aim. You don’t want the puppy to lose this game by making it a “gotcha” situation. Release him with a cue word like “okay!” and a “click” if you’re using the clicker to train after ten seconds of “sit-stay.”
  • As soon as you say “release,” give him the lower-value toy and lavish praise on him, so he knows what a brilliant, gorgeous child he is. That teaches him that the truly WOW-treats come only when he obeys the “stay,” not when he breaks the “sit.”
  • No goodies are provided to puppies who break the “sit-stay” command before you have delivered the release command. “Whoops, you blew it!” you might say. And turn your back for at least ten seconds, cutting off any possibility of a treat or reward. Your puppy will quickly learn that by holding the “sit-stay,” he will receive more tasty treats and that if he moves, the sweets will vanish.
  • Puppies learn the rules fast, but they’ll need repetition to understand that duration is also important. So repeat the practice, saying “sit-stay” for 10 seconds with unlimited sweets, then saying “okay” and throwing a praise party.
  • This activity should be repeated multiple times. Then extend the stay by two to five seconds while continuing to treat throughout, followed by the release word and praise.
  • Begin delaying treat delivery once he has mastered the “sit-stay” for fifteen to twenty seconds at a time while treating continually. Then, between treats, aim for the puppy to hold that “sit-stay” for two to four seconds at a time.
  • Keep a close eye on his success rate. First, increase the time between treats by a few seconds until you’ve achieved a solid “sit-stay” 80 percent of the time. Then, increase the time delay once more when he is solid, and so forth.
  • Work toward offering a sweet reward less regularly but with unexpected additional treats—for example, many at once for a particularly lengthy “sit-stay.” Even young puppies enjoy the bonus concept of receiving higher-value rewards for improved behaviour.
  • Puppies who “get it” need some practice and diversions to extend their “stay” time. Practice the “sit-stay” in the yard or at Grandma’s house if he’s reliable in the living room. You could even make the “sit-stay” a regular part of your mealtime routine, with a tasty supper ration as a nice treat for a good sit-stay.
  • Before adding distance away from the puppy, it’s advisable to practise and lengthen the duration of the “sit-stay.” When you’re close to the baby puppy during these drills, you have more control and can stop him right away if he blows it (turn your back/stop the rewards). Before you take a step back and practise at a greater distance, the pup should be able to maintain a firm “sit-stay” for at least a minute or more while you’re in touching range.
  • Finally, even if no treatment is available, your dog should sit-stay on order when you ask from across the room. By gradually transitioning from treat-every-time to intermittent incentives, the dog learns that rewards are always attainable and that they grow more likely the longer he follows your instructions.
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User Questions

What is the best way to teach my puppy to sit and stay?

Tell your dog to sit before you for the sit/stay command, and then give the stay command. Take a step back and then take another stride toward him. Give him a yes! and a prize if he has kept his position. Continue Step 1 while gradually increasing the distance you walk away from your dog.

How long does it take a puppy to learn to sit?

Your dog will most likely catch on after 1-2 weeks of constant training. Remove goodies from your dog’s diet. Reward your dog every time he sits when you initially start training with the treat trick. Make sure to compliment others enthusiastically as well.

What is the best way to teach my two-month-old puppy to sit?

Move it upwards and backwards over his head while holding it above his nose. His body should automatically move into a sitting position. Say the word “sit” and congratulate him when he does. You don’t want him to become too enthusiastic and run around all over the place, so don’t give him too much praise.

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What should be the first thing you teach your puppy?

As soon as the puppy opens its eyes and walks, some training can begin. Young pups have limited attention spans, but they can start learning basic obedience cues like “sit,” “down,” and “stay” as early as 7 to 8 weeks of age.


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